“A world without manual document tasks”

our vision

About natif.ai

The company was founded in 2019 by Manuel Zapp, Johannes Korves, Christophe Hocquet and BĂ©renger Laurent, out of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) environment.

Early on, the founders realized that documents cause high effort in business processes and reduce productivity, as they often lead to repetitive and employee-intensive tasks. Solving this was the impulse for the founding of natif.ai. Our products enable our customers to automate their documents independently without high implementation costs or consulting.
The founders explicitly chose SaarbrĂĽcken as the location for their product development, as a very close knowledge transfer between natif.ai and the DFKI is guaranteed here.

We’re delighted to announce that natif.ai has joined the DocuWare Group on 19th April 2024! This acquisition makes it possible to provide customers around the world with cutting edge AI technology, which is vital to business growth and progress.
In a joint statement Johannes Korves and Manuel Zapp Co-CEO’s of natif.ai said: “We are excited to take this giant leap forward and become a part of the DocuWare Group. Our core driver has always been to accelerate and sustain growth through technology. The expertise of our combined teams will take DocuWare to another level as an ECM provider. These are exciting times, and we are excited to be a part of the change.”
More information can be found in the DocuWare Press Center.

“Our mission is to build easy-to-use tools that help developers to automate document tasks with state-of-the-art AI technologies, thereby becoming the market standard of document processing.”– our mission


natif.ai is the provider for document automation in the context of a wide range of software products, company divisions and business processes.
Thanks to high-performance AI models and a Deep-OCR developed in-house, documents can be analyzed extremely quickly and accurately, and relevant data can be extracted from them. Natif.ai enables developers to automate and classify documents independently via a platform. Complex workflows, state-of-the-art AI technologies, training modules and Active Learning are made available via API.
The natif.ai platform can be implemented in just a few minutes. It is preferably used by software providers, banks, insurance companies or consulting firms, enabling them to quickly and independently automate a wide range of document processes in their software, in the company or in customer projects.

Our values

We are a team of equals

Flat hierarchies and short paths characterize our work at natif.ai. We achieve long-term good results through team spirit, fairness, trust and appreciation. We see mistakes as the basis for learning processes and continuous improvement.

We inspire our customers

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. We offer safe solutions, reliable products and a high level of commitment to ensure performance and best functionality. In doing so, we focus on commitment and compliance with agreements.

We live flexibility

natif.ai offers flexible working hours and the option of working from a mobile office. In this way, we make it easier to combine work and private life and are committed to supporting a good work-life balance.

We love diversity

Our multinational, diverse team offers room for a wide variety of personalities. We are always open for new things – new employees, ideas, technologies, customers.

We have a passion for innovation

Curiosity, inventiveness and the desire to push the boundaries of Artificial Intelligence drive us. In order to always offer our customers the newest technology, we are constantly developing our product with forward-looking features.

The power of initiative and personal responsibility drives us forward

We create freedom of design and a good environment for creativity. That’s why everyone in our team can actively contribute and implement their own ideas.

We implement smart processes

Uncomplicated, effective and goal-oriented work: This is what we do in our own company and what we enable our customers to do with the help of our products. Our goal is lean processes and unbureaucratic structures – for more dynamism and motivation.