
Beyond Paperwork: Empowering teams with workflow automation

Let's dive into a topic that’s reshaping the way businesses operate: workflow automation. As Johannes Korves, CEO and co-founder of, often says, "No one ever said: I love paperwork". And he's spot on. We're all on a mission to cut down on those time-consuming tasks that slow us down.
Invoice Automation I

C-Suite Guide to Invoice Automation

For C-Suite leaders looking to drive their organizations towards greater operational excellence, adopting invoice automation is a strategic move. By leveraging technologies like OCR, AI, and ML, you can streamline invoice processing, enhance accuracy, improve compliance, and unlock significant cost savings.

AI-Powered Scanning for Efficient Document Management 

The concept of scanning services has been integral to businesses and institutions for decades. Traditionally, these services involved converting physical documents into digital formats, a labor-intensive process requiring significant manual effort.

Cloud vs. On-Premise: The Pros & Cons

Choosing the optimal IT infrastructure is crucial for companies in today's digital world. However, this raises the question: do I choose an on-premise or a cloud solution for my company?

Sustainability & Automation: The Key to Future Business Success

In a world where innovations in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly redefining the way businesses operate, a welcome truth is emerging. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a revolution in the business world, but also a beacon of hope for a sustainable future.